influencer, engagement

ToIn this file I will explain how to write a good press release to obtain visibility via journalists but also present the main keys


ToIn this file I will explain how to write a good press release to obtain visibility via journalists but also present the main keys to generating traffic thanks to influenc ersengagement.

.Indeed, in a Press Relations strategy, it becomes essential to learn how to manage these two profiles.

It is essential to understand that these 2 populations (journalists & influencers) do not approach each other in the same way, because a journalist has a code of ethics which recommends that he test the accuracy of information, not to distort reality ( images, titles…)… an influencer will not be able to work exactly the same way.

An influencer may be passionate about the subject (he therefore does not necessarily seek to make money), or on the contrary he will be an entrepreneur who must run a business (and therefore on the contrary he must make a turnover thanks to his notoriety).

Depending on the type of influencer, engagement is not equal.

In general, sponsored posts call for the most engagement, because they encourage action, which is normal because some Instagram posts are just photos without much interest .

How to write a good press release and get visibility with influencers?  8

If all these influencers do not have the power to enhance your business, they can all contribute to your visibility.To illustrate my point, here are 2 examples of sponsored statuses for brands by influencers who manage to “influence” communities of several dozen people:How to write a good press release and get visibility with influencers?  9How to write a good press .The principle is clearly to influence the purchase in order to have the same look as the influencer….

However, these kind of posts are rude because you don’t even know if the person really tested or used the product, with a photo (very posed) and that’s it..So you have to do more “fine” than this kind of flashy publications, and don’t forget to ask to mention that this article is sponsored.You will also notice that these posts often contain promo codes in order to set up a “promo” on the one hand, but also to monitor sales (and therefore calculate a ROI) for the brand.

Don’t think that these more or less disguised advertisements are only valid for influencers…

As explained below, you can pay for your media visibility, but it will be more through infomercials (paid advertising that looks very much like an article).This is why in this file, I will explain how to address these 2 populations in order to seduce them:The press release remains the basis for launching a press relations action. It is the basic tool that allows you to present in a synthetic way “why a journalist should talk about you” and what is interesting to say.

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